The European Forum on Urban Forestry 2022

The Euro­pean Forum on Urban Fores­try (EFUF) is a unique mee­ting place for prac­ti­tio­ners, poli­cy-makers, mana­gers, edu­ca­tors and scien­tists who are active in urban fores­try, urban gree­ning and green infrastructure.
The City of Bel­grade is plea­sed to announce the 24th Euro­pean Forum on Urban Fores­try (EFUF). The Forum will be held from May 17 — 21 2022 in Bel­grade, Ser­bia. The Forum theme is adap­tive mea­sures in urban forests.

EFUF 2022 will be a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn about new and cut­ting-edge research on adap­tive mea­sures in urban forest and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss with ins­pi­ring prac­ti­tio­ners, advan­ced resear­chers and sec­tor-lea­ding poli­cy­ma­kers on how to improve urban forest mana­ge­ment in a rapid­ly chan­ging world.

Mark your calen­dars to expe­rience the Urban Forests of Ser­bia and meet and greet urban fores­try col­leagues you may have not seen since the 2019 in per­son EFUF in Germany.

City of Belgrade